What else can safety reps do?

Safety reps can use the DIY research information

Mapping out work hazards:

  • Identify all the hazardous substances coming into the workplace and in each different department.

  • Record the substances, labels, and check data sheets for information about them.

  • Find out where workers are exposed and how they could be affected. Are different groups of workers exposed to different substances or to different levels?

  • Ask management for COSHH assessments. and all other relevant information such as air monitoring of substances in the air including measurements for inhalable and respirable dust in amounts and type, maintenance of ventilation and other safety systems logs

  • Talk to workers and survey them on any health effects. Ensure you cover all areas of the workplace and all groups of workers and shifts

  • Work your way through the list of substances and agree elimination of most toxic substances and if necessary replace with less harmful ones.

  • Check substances and products manufactured to determine additional toxic substances workers are exposed to.

  • Carry out an environmental workplace/work activity inspection

  • After talking to members other issues and ways to reduce exposures may arise such as:

•Stop idling of vehicles in workplace and around it?

•Check LEV and general ventilation systems

•Ban air freshners from all areas of work?

•Substitute non-volatile vegetable oil cleaners for organic solvents; Would water work as solvent?

•Substitute solids for powders; enclosures; LEV?

•Meetings by zoom/skype to avoid travel?

•Work from Home? Flexible working ? 4 Day week?

•Carry out monitoring for chemicals + particles and plan outdoor work to avoid pollution?

•Contact GMHC for support to use monitor for PM2.5 Working with Global Action Plan

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